Woman’s harp playing attracts a deer fan in this viral video
Reddit user u/Noomie90 said it best when she posted her now viral video to the platform: “My harp session turned into a Disney movie.” Indeed, the minute-long video is some sort of soothing, live-action Bambi. As Noomie90, whose first name is Naomi, plucks a cover of Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence” on her harp, a deer comes into frame.
The deer inches closer and closer to the dulcet tones of Naomi’s harp — until, in typical deer fashion, it gets spooked and runs away. Naomi then gets spooked herself and jumps out of frame in the last second of the video. “I was definitely the deer in headlights in this situation,” she said in a Reddit comment.
“I know the area where I filmed quite well, and know that deer usually come out when the sun begins to set,” Naomi told Mashable via Reddit DM. She set up her camera and pointed it to the forest on the off-chance a deer showed up, but she didn’t have high hopes. When she began playing she noticed the deer in the distance, but didn’t realize it approached her until it jumped away. “The sound of it running made me think it was going to attack me, hence the jumpy reaction,” she said.
R/harp, the subreddit where she first posted the video, is relatively niche according to Naomi, and she never expected it to blow up. “It’s been quite a trip to see it shared so many places and have people write to me to say they saw me on Twitter/Tik Tok/Reddit etc,” she said. “It’s also been nice to interact with people through comments and share my interest for the instrument, which I started playing this December.”
The “blooper” video is serendipitous and a calming balm considering the rest of the internet these days. For those who want to hear her beautiful rendition of “The Sound of Silence” in full, she posted the cover on her YouTube channel as well.