How lab-grown beef can make meat better for the planet (and cows)

Anthony Bourdain once wrote, “Good food, good eating, is all about blood and organs, cruelty and decay.” But if Mosa Meat gets its way, you might soon be able to get the blood and organs without all the cruelty to the animals and decay of the planet.

I’ve been vegan for a few years now, but for most of my life, I would consume several pounds of meat a day. With established plant-based options like Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, and newcomers like Juicy Marbles making headway into the meat market, I’ve found most of my cravings for meet met.

Still, the idea of lab-grown beef, with all the flavor and convenience of dead-cow muscle and none of the dead cow, intrigues me. But I had some questions.

Don’t you still need cows to cultivate the cells?

Yes, but the difference is you need fewer cows – a lot fewer cows. And they get to stay alive, too.

According to Mosa Meat, it only requires a sample the size of a peppercorn — a diameter of about 3mm — in order to produce 80,000 burgers. By comparison, you can only get about 800 burgers from a cow the traditional way.