Say goodbye to Intel’s RealSense tech by remembering its incredible demos

Intel’s RealSense computer vision tech will soon be going away, as the company is “winding down” the business, according to CRN. If you don’t remember the tech from January of this year, where Intel pitched it as a way to create facial recognition systems, you may remember it from some incredible tech demos (or possibly a few devices, if you were really paying attention).

Now that the tech is on its way out, perhaps it’s a good time to look back at some of the cool ways we’ve seen it shown off to remember the good times.

For the most part, the demos were just that — cool applications that didn’t usually end up in the hands of consumers. There were a few actual RealSense products over the years, but they rarely held up to what we saw at CES.

Intel told CRN that it’ll still be fulfilling its obligations to RealSense’s current customers, but said that the employees working on RealSense will be transitioning to other roles more focused on Intel’s core tech. Most people, though, will probably remember RealSense for the cool demos and the promise of easy, drop-in computer vision that didn’t quite seem to work out.

Correction: A previous version of this story implied that Project Alloy was announced in 2017, the same year it was canceled. It was actually announced in 2016. We regret the error.

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