‘We face high risk and extremely low chances of success’ notes humanoid robot company Figure AI that just got millions from Bezos, OpenAI, and Nvidia

If you want a robot to make you a cup of coffee, Figure AI has you covered. In a nifty demo reel, the newly multi-million-dollar-funded robotics darling showed how its Figure 01 robot could successfully brew a Keurig cup of joe. It’s not impressive – you could do it faster and at least hand me the cup – but Figure 01’s ambition, to bring a general-purpose humanoid to life, well, that’s worth some consideration.

If you didn’t know it already, we’re entering a new humanoid robot golden age, one that was arguably sparked by Boston Dynamics and its athletically gifted Atlas robot and is now powered by everything from the uncanny Sophia and chatty Ameca to Tesla’s stutter-stepping Optimus Gen 2.

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