EVs aren’t clean if they’re charged with ‘dirty’ energy

The world has embraced the fact that EVs are happening. We have accepted that almost 1.5 billion petrol and diesel-fuelled cars will be pensioned off because of what’s under their hood. But as we stand on the cusp of a new era, the sobering reality is that simply making the switch to electric is no longer enough. 

The sustainability status quo

The 1.5-degree pathway outlined in The Paris Agreement demands we halve emissions by 2030, and eliminate them altogether by 2050. This will be a challenge for any industry, but when you consider that transportation is one of the biggest polluters globally, you start to understand our uncompromising attitude.

If we’re to reach net-zero by 2050, we have to innovate and then eliminate cradle-to-gate C02e emissions. A big ask. But we’re not the only ones with an environmental to-do list.