Walmart PS5 restock update: it’s gone – here’s where to look next

Update 2: The Walmart PS5 restock updated with disappointing news: “This item is out of stock.” Your next hope will at one of the following US stores:

We’re particularly looking at Sony Direct, given it’s steady release of PS5 inventory, and the fact that it’s touting December 17 as the last day it’ll ship in time for Christmas. There has to be one last restock between now and Thursday.

Editor’s note: I did get confirmation that our PS5 restock tracker helped out at least buyer who has been trying relentlessly: my sister. Here’s proof – a Walmart PS5 order confirmation – that the retailer did have the console on sale. It took a lot of refreshing and luck, apparently, but my nephews are getting a PS5 for Christmas (or a few days into the New Year). In other words: keep trying, folks.

(Image credit: Future)

Update 1: Walmart is restocking PS5 about every ten minutes. We’ve now seeing: “This item [PS5] will be back at 3:40 pm ET” and before it sold out again, we saw a similar message for 3:30pm, 3:20pm, etc. There’s still hope.

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